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Select Board Meeting Minutes 7/25/18
Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 7/25/18

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Carol Edelman, Chairperson, Kenneth Basler and Donald Coburn

Also in attendance: Julio Rodriguez, Shawn Tryon, Adam Chait

Miscellaneous Items Reviewed:
  • BRPC emailed Carol and noted that we are continuing to work toward being designated as a “Green Community” which would enable us to apply for grant monies.
  • Small housing planning grant available; the Board reviewed the grant specifications and upcoming deadline.  Carol questions whether Monterey is a suitable community for this type of housing due to lack of transportation, stores, etc.  Kenn feels there is a need for affordable housing seeing as most homes are selling for $500k or more and this planning grant would help us to determine whether Monterey is an appropriate community or not.  The Board agreed to have Terry Walker submit the application requesting monies to research and determine feasibility.
  • Basketball Court – the Parks Commission has had no response from the company that installed the surface tiles which are spreading apart and becoming dangerous.  Kenn made a motion to remove the tiles, paint lines on the asphalt underneath and reopen the court for the summer until we can come to a resolution with the company that installed them.  The motion was not seconded.  Don is going to contact town counsel first to advise us on how best to proceed.
  • Shawn Tryon came in to discuss the following:
a.  Carol recused herself from this conversation.  Fiber Connect’s request to trench on town roads: Adam and Shawn made site visits yesterday (13 sections of town), there are a few spots that are not feasible due to ledge. A few other spots have culverts and guardrails that may pose an issue and the rest should be fine.  The Board had concerns about the impact on town infrastructure or creating a problem to the town down the road.  Don wanted to know why there wasn’t any financial compensation being offered to the town for these rights of way, considering some of the sections may require town staff to be on site and they will all be in a town right of way.  Kenn felt there was a significant advantage to the town (increasing internet in Monterey) by allowing this ROW and allows for further negotiations such as providing service to the highway department, offering a discount to town buildings, etc.  It was requested that a proposal/contract be written up for review and approval; Adam will work on this.
b.  School property – the district has removed almost all of their items out of the building.  The play structures are the only remaining items and it is unclear who owns it.  The school is not interested in the wooden structure as it doesn’t meet current school safety standards and Shawn recommends throwing it away; the Board suggested putting a post in the Monterey News that it is free for the taking.  The district is also not interested in the plastic structure so this will be moved to the Community Center.  Discussion of the future of the building will go on a future agenda. The school will need to be officially closed which involves giving the school committee an indication that we approve them starting the process.  Shawn would like to see the building sold.  We will check with counsel on what the procedure is to close the school and how to sell it if that is what is determined to be the best option.
c.  Shawn and Melissa are interviewing an interested applicant today for the highway 3 position.
d.  Shawn reminded the Board that he will be away next week.
  • Peter Brown was reappointed as an election worker for one year at the request of the Town Clerk.
  • The Town Clerk’s time off request was discussed.  Kenn will speak to the Clerk to make sure the office is open while she is away; the assistant town clerk should be covering the office if Terry is unable to come in.  The dates she has requested were approved, and the Clerk will also make up her hours.
  • Kenn provided a summary of the last broadband meeting.  They are starting the process to apply to MBI.  Kenn stated that any questions or input should be made to him as soon as possible.
  • Carol provided an update on last night’s school assessment subcommittee meeting.  At the next meeting the Business Administrator will present 3 scenarios and their impact on the town which will then be presented to the 5 town boards for review.
  • The Board asked Chief Backhaus to come in to discuss the status of the speed sign; he is working on getting it fixed.  Carol inquired about having an officer on busy weekends to direct traffic; the Chief will make sure his officers on over the weekends are aware of any traffic concerns.
  • Baystate Municipal Accounting Group all boards meeting – to review forms, policies, have a Q&A, etc.  Kenn suggested that this be setup for early fall.
  • Warrants were signed.
  • Minutes from 7/18/18 were approved.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11:10am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Administrative Assistant
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book
Town Clerk